ERA Chair team participates at the Researchers' Nigh 2023 at the Univeristy of Latvia, 29.09.2023. at 5-9 PM
Demonstration were made at:
1) House of Science, Jelgavas 3, 6th floor, Demonstrations of Quantum Optics Lab (J. Alnis)
2) House of Science, Jelgavs iela 3, Riga, room 715, Demonstration of Laboratory of Nonlinear Optics (R. Ganeev)
3) NSP FOTONIKA-LV, Skunu 4, Riga, Demonstration of labs of NSP FOTONIKA (A. Ubelis). Programm: https://researchlatvia.gov.lv/lv/night-events/lu-nzp-fotonika-lv. Video from the demonstation: HERE.
The programm of Researchers' Nigh 2023 events at the Univeristy of Latvia: https://www.lu.lv/zinatne/zinatne-un-sabiedriba/zinatnieku-nakts-2023/2023/
Full programm of Researchers' Nigh 2023 events at various Research Institutions in Latvia: https://researchlatvia.gov.lv/lv/science-night